Lele and Monkey Tales
“Let’s Chat with Lele” is getting a makeover. Stay tuned for new episodes!
Join Lele and Mommy as we learn Chinese through every day conversations. Send me feedback through our Instagram @LeleAndMonkey!
Lele and Monkey Tales
Our Lunar New Year Traditions
For early Chinese learners, if the full Chinese section is too intimidating, you can get to the bilingual section at 4:52!
Please send me feedback, comments and requests through Instagram @leleandmonkey
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And as usual, if you like this episode, give us review and share us with your friends! :) Talk to you soon!
農曆新年 nónglì xīnnián
過年 guònián
中國新年 zhōngguó xīnnián
奶奶 nǎinai
包餃子 bāo jiǎozi
水餃 shuǐjiǎo
鍋貼 guōtiē
蒸餃 zhēng jiǎo
錢 qián
硬幣 yìngbì
買東西 mǎi dōngxī
你想買什麽東西? nǐ xiǎng mǎi shénmó dōngxī
紅紙條 hóng zhǐ tiáo
保護自己 bǎohù zìjǐ
把怪獸嚇走 bǎ guàishòu xià zǒu
火鍋 huǒguō
魚餅 yú bǐng
牛肉 niúròu
盆菜 pén cài
肉 ròu
蘿蔔 luóbo
豆腐 dòufu
青菜 qīngcài